
End the Income Tax

Medical Freedom

End Woke Ideology



School Choice

Reduce Government

Too often politicians hide where they stand on tough issues, I will never do so. In fact, here in West Virginia we have way too many ‘Undocumented Democrats’ running while claiming to be Republicans.

When addressing any issue, you will always know where I stand. The Constitution, as the Founding Fathers intended, will always be my guide.

I will never hide from any hard issues, so here are just a few of my deeply held beliefs:

  • I am dedicated to the Constitution as written and intended.

  • As Government Grows, Liberty Shrinks

  • I will not waver in my support of the principles of Life, Individual Liberty, and Private Property.

  • It is none of the government’s business what type or how many guns I have, and all anti-gun laws are unconstitutional.

  • Life begins at Conception, and it is the duty of any government that is moral to defend that life regardless of how it was conceived.

  • That government interference in the free market only enriches the 1% and creates poverty.

  • That private property, including the money you earn, is your possession and no one else has a right to it.

  • That all welfare, corporate and individual, is stealing from one individual to give to another to earn political donations and votes.

  • That unless the goal of any political action is to defend life, liberty, or private property, it is despicable and nothing less than pandering for more power.

  • That government is the enemy of liberty and must be restrained to its Constitutional bounds.

  • That we are endowed by our Creator with natural rights and government cannot grant rights, only take them away.

  • That only parents have the moral standing to decide what school their children attend and what schools their money funds.

  • I believe the government we have today is exactly the one our Founding Fathers warned us about.

  • It is none of the government’s business what I do on my cell phone, laptop, or internet

  • Inflation, brought by the printing presses at the Federal Reserve, is the most insidious, hidden tax on the people, and only a return to sound money will restore the middle class.

  • That we live in a Constitutional Republic, and NOT a democracy, as the Founders realized democracy is nothing less than mob rule, where 51% of the people can enslave 49%.

  • I believe that the individual is the smallest minority.

  • That so called ‘public good’ or ‘collective rights’ do not trump individual rights. As our rights come from God and are individual.

  • And finally, I believe that the Blood of Jesus Christ will save anyone who believes, and is the only path to salvation.

These are only a few of my beliefs and those I will never compromise on.